
Brownstown Speedway
Brownstown Speedway is the home of fast paced, late model racing. A famous southern Indiana dirt track with a rich heritage, Brownstown Speedway offers lots of thrills and excitement for racing fans.

Brownstown, Indiana is home to a 1/4 mile dirt track speedway with a 60 year history. The Brownstown Speedway is located at the Jackson County Fairgrounds.

Regular Show Times
Gates open 3:00 / Drivers Draw ends 5:15 / Hot Laps at 6:00.
Qualifications/Racing after Hot Laps.

Admission Pricing
Regular Show
General Admission $15 for adults
Children 12 & under FREE with paid adult.

Pit Admission
General admission + $15 per person at pit gate.

Coolers (14″) allowed
NO Glass Bottles

Community Theatre
The Royal Off-The Square Community Theatre in downtown Brownstown offers patrons three to four different performances per year. The theatre is located on Walnut St. less than a block from Highway 50.

Learn More or visit the the Jackson County Community Theatre Website 

Braves/Lady Braves Sports
Brownstown High School has very successful sports teams – football, volleyball, boys and girls basketball, track, tennis, baseball softball and more! Cheer on our local high school athletes and enjoy the thrilling games every week.

Brownstown Community Sports
Brownstown Central Braves & Lady Braves sports are a winning tradition. BCSC is proud to have successful Boys & Girls sports programs, including football, volleyball, basketball, track, tennis, cross country, golf, baseball & softball. Visit either the middle school or high school website to learn more about athletics for each school, including schedules and event locations. \

The Brownstown Forestry offers camping, fishing, hiking, playgrounds, recreation shelters and more for visitors.

Learn More or visit the DNR Website
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